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Thankful for my…..

Today, I am writing what I was thinking for yesterday which would have been the 16th day of my thankfulness month.  Yes, I know another day behind!  I am catching up – I promise!

On the 16th day, I am thankful for my job and those that I work with.  I am fortunate enough to work for an amazing company, JEBCommerce that is owned by an even more amazing husband and wife team, Jamie and Sarah Birch.

JebCommerce  is a full service, online marketing agency that specializes in performance marketing. We service both large and small organizations with a heavy focus on affiliate program management.  It is a family owned and operated business that was established in 2004.  Two qualities that always get noticed is our ability to provide clients the freedom to execute their entire online marketing plans and the assurance that they have the most qualified team in the industry managing every aspect of their affiliate marketing campaigns.

Our team is a great mix of ages, gender, backgrounds, experience and education levels.  Our team has been launching, running, managing, and growing affiliate programs for over 20 years. We work hard, but we also play hard at the appropriate time. Foosball is our game of choice in the office. Our office environment is intense and high-energy and there is a constant desire to improve and learn. We enjoy working with each other and pushing each other to learn more and succeed more with every client that we manage.

I am so blessed to have such a great job and work with such amazing people – just yeserday, we had an extremely productive off site meeting on how we could do more for our clients, followed with an afternoon at Sky High Trampoline for a team building activity.

So on this day, I am thankful for my job, the company I work for and all of the amazing people there – Brian Secrist, Brigid Nielson, Danielle Dougherty, Geoff Marshall, Jamie Birch, Jamie Tapia, Jeff Nilges, Jen Dorman, Jennifer Hawkinson, Jon Goodwin, Maryellen Garasky and Sarah Birch.

About mamamosquitobites

Part of my success in life is because I place a high value on personal integrity and represent myself in an ethical and respectable manner. I have been described by others as a hardworking, organized, FUN self-starter . In all situations, I lend on being flexibility, honesty and responsibility and bring to the table skills such as efficient time management aptitude, remarkable coordination abilities, strong communication skills and excellent organization proficiency. A believer in working in your community, I volunteer as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for Kootenai County, as a Board member of Kootenai County Substance Abuse Council (KCSAC), as a foster mom for the State of Idaho and more. I have recently relocated to the sunny state of Florida and exploring a new life with an empty nest (my amazing and beautiful daughter is off at college), full time mama to my great pups, engaging in a new line of work and having fun meeting new people, enjoying new experiences and looking for Mr. Right!

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